Day 18: Low Carb Keto Lifestyle Success | Down 6 Lbs And 13 Inches

Today I am so excited and happy to share that I measured and I have lost 13 inches…woo hoo!
I am so stoked about my low carb high fat ketogenic lifestyle change along with the therapeutic ketones supplement I am taking. I can not express what a difference this is making in my day to day life and my entire outlook. Watch today’s video to get all the details. In the video I forgot what day it was…lol. 🙂
If this helps you and/or inspires you please let me know. I would love to hear from you and love to help you get healthy, lose weight and just feel better!
Check back tomorrow for another update.
Day 18: Low Carb Keto Lifestyle Success | Down 6 Lbs And 13 Inches — No Comments