Day 63: New Ketone Drink Flavor | What Happened To The Taco Salad

Today my order arrived….yeah more ketone drink! They also released the new Chocolate Swirl flavor and if you order the new flavor you get 10% off your order. What a deal!
So it has been ages since I have had a taco salad from Taco Bell. I used to eat them when I did a low carb diet before. Just ask for no beans and don’t eat the shell. I decided to try one again and asked for no beans. When I was mixing it up I found a bunch of rice at the bottom. When did this happen? Rice in a taco salad…yuck!
Check out today’s update video.
If this helps you and/or inspires you please let me know. I would love to hear from you and love to help you get healthy, lose weight and just feel better!
Check back tomorrow for another update.
For info on what I am using to add therapeutic ketones to my diet (get into ketosis/fat burning mode within an hour) and helping me increase my energy, suppress my appetite and lose more weight Click Here
Day 63: New Ketone Drink Flavor | What Happened To The Taco Salad — No Comments